
Our team

Solo Female Travelers is managed by a global team spread across four continents and our fantastic team of local female guides

We have a world to discover, and certainly cannot answer most of the questions posed by the community, which is why the strength of this group and website lies in the diversity, depth of experience and knowledge of our 350,000+ members.

About our Co-Founders

Solo Female Travelers was co-founded and continues to be led by Mar Pages and Meg Jerrard.

Connect with her on LinkedIn | Facebook

Mar Pages

Mar is a Catalan ex- strategy consultant and Googler turned online entrepreneur who is passionate about female empowerment and the travel industry.

She is a long-term expat who has lived in 8 countries, worked in over 40 and visited more than 125 countries in the last 20 years.

When she is not hanging out in the community or curating a new itinerary for our women-only tours, you will find her traveling solo to destinations that are hard to find on a map.

Countries visited: 135
Countries visited solo: 70+
Top 3 favorite destinations: Bhutan, Pacific islands and east Africa

Connect with her on LinkedIn | Facebook

Meg Jerrard

Meg is an Australian Journalist who has visited 100+ countries across all seven continents.

She started traveling solo at 18, and continues to take solo trips almost 20 years later, despite now having a toddler by her side.

A professional content creator, Meg’s travel writing has been widely published and acknowledged by publications such as National Geographic, the New York Times, Forbes, and British Airways High Life.

Countries visited: 105
Countries visited solo: 20
Top 3 favorite destinations: Italy, Antarctica and Iceland

Meet the SFT Team

Our Solo Female Travelers team is remote and globally distributed.

About Jacobo

Jacobo is a software developer and IT professional, with a passion for travel and for building a better world through impact and legacy.

In his career, he has focused on education, both as a teacher and as a software developer for teachers and students.

In his spare time, he leads Spain’s most important competitive programming organization and co-founded Spain’s girls’ programming olympiad, a dedication that was once highlighted by the country’s president himself.

Jacobo is the brain behind our Solo Female Travel Safety Index and our member’s portal.

About Stella

Stella is a Greek travel enthusiast who has worked in the tourism sector most of her adult life either as a Sales and Events Manager in travel agencies and hotels, Writer or a Cruise Coordinator and Tour Leader.

She started travelling solo for work as it was a childhood dream to combine work and travel. She has worked in 7 different countries, cannot stand still and is always looking for a new adventure.

Being completely biased, her favourite country will always be Greece but she has a full list of favourite places she’s already visited such as India, Holland and Portugal and others that she is soon planning on visiting. She met her Cuban husband while visiting the Caribbean island.

Meet The Guides

Our trips are led by our all-female team of local guides who are the heart of SFT Tours.

Between Glory, who was one of the first female mountain guides on Kilimanjaro (and remains one of the very few), Mariam who is taking the lead as one of the few Berber guides in Morocco, and the rest of our great female guides, these superstar women are what make our trips so special.

About Glory

Glory Thobias Salema is one of the very few female guides in Tanzania and was recognised as the Best Female Guide by Tanzania National Park Authority (TANAPA) in 2017, 2018 and 2019 and received awards from Mr. Kigwangala, Tanzania’s Minister of Tourism and Natural Resources.

Glory can not only take you on safari but also to the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro being one of only 6 female guides (out of over 2,500).

She is passionate about empowering women and girls in tourism and founded the Tanzania Women Guides Foundation, an NGO focused on connecting women to opportunities in tourism so the future generations are more gender balanced.

About Ariadna

Ariadna who is both a Barcelona, Girona and Catalonia certified guide and has been working in the tourism sector for more than 15 years guiding visitors from all over the world. She is interested in art, history and culture and passionate about traveling.

She loves learning and her job allows her to travel through the eyes of the visitor, from whom she learns new things every day.

Luckily, Ariadna’s experience and licenses allows her to guide inside museums and monuments and she is extremely knowledgeable on all things Barcelona, ​​Girona, Costa Brava or Montserrat.

If you want to meet her virtually, she hosted our live tours of Barcelona where you can hear her share her knowledge of La Sagrada Familia and Hospital de Sant Pau i de la Santa Creu.

About Stella

Stella is Greek, born and raised in Athens, and has been working as a Cruise Coordinator for almost 8 years in the Greek Islands, Cabo Verde, Senegal, the Canary Islands, Turkey, the Balkans and hopefully soon, in Tahiti. Prior to becoming a cruise coordinator, Stella was a travel writer, a wedding planner and an event manager.

During our cruises, she takes care of all the excursions, activities and entertainment on board and will make sure everything runs smoothly and everyone is having a good time with her friendliness and sense of humor.

You never have to remember anything because Stella will be there there to remind you of anything important. Her knowledge of the best places to eat, drink and have fun on the islands is unparalleled.

What she loves most about her current job is to travel and interact with different people from different places. She feels rich in experiences and happy with the knowledge she has acquired and the people she has met and can’t wait to meet you all and show you around her beautiful Greece!

About Mariam

Mariam Youhad is a young Berber guide hailing from the High Atlas Mountains of Morocco.  

She has been guiding guests since 2018 and is proud to be one of only 10 female mountain leaders in Morocco. 

Mariam enjoys cooking, meeting new people and learning about new cultures as she introduces her beautiful country and culture to travellers from abroad.

She studied Business Management at the Institute of Training in Administration and Commerce (IFAC) and got her Tour Guide degree from the Ministry of Tourism.

Mariam is currently studying English at Cadi Ayyad University in Marrakech where she plans to receive her masters and doctorate in English literature.

About Sigga

Sigga lived for some years in the UK and The Netherlands where she studied and later worked in research as a molecular biologist.

When she returned back to Reykjavik, she completed a degree in Natural Resources & Environmental Sciences and developed and launched a healthy and environmentally friendly berry juice containing whey and wild herbs under the product name “Islandus“. 

In 2016 she launched her own tour company focused on culture and food and began her official guiding career. However, she has been a tour guide for more than 20 years and has extensive knowledge of travelling in Iceland, especially off-road and to the less explored parts of the country.

She always feels privileged to show guests the great natural beauty Iceland has to offer and to give an insight into the life and culture of Icelandic people.

About Lily

Lily was born and raised in Santa Monica, California, home to the largest Oaxacan Zapotec migrant community in the U.S. After spending her summers in Oaxaca with her parents in the dream home they built, she rematriated in 2013.

Seeing the lack of representation of indigenous woman-led initiatives in the tourism sector, she decided to start her own sustainable travel company centering the conversation around indigenous voices.

Her experiences support local businesses and offer an insight into Zapotec traditions to travelers who are invited into the local communities.

Lily’s business now works rotating over 50 service providers, 80% of which are woman owned and led, to make sure everyone gets a fair share of the tourism funds.

About Laura

As a dual citizen of Italy and the U.S., Laura has lived on the Amalfi Coast for over 15 years.

She’s a writer, art historian, and photographer and is passionate about sharing an insider’s view of this beautiful area to help travelers discover and enjoy the most beautiful experiences on the Amalfi Coast.

Laura has authored several guidebooks of the Amalfi Coast as well as Naples and Pompeii, and is a regular contributor to various travel publications.

Her love of sharing the beauty and richness of Italy extends to her group guiding where she gives guests a local experience with insider knowledge of the area  

About Maria Lourdes

Maria Lourdes is a Languages and Art graduate, licensed tour guide, tour leader and artist from Naples who loves coffee.

She started her tourism career doing underground tours in Naples but decided to channel her love for coffee culture into her now very popular Naples coffee tours.

Maria is passionate about travel, history and art and loves exploring the most beautiful places in Italy. She has traveled all over the country and now lives in Milan.

She is excited to go on this adventure with Solo Female Travelers and show you her wonderful country and all the things that make it special.

About Nika

Nika was bitten by a travel bug from a young age when her mother, who worked in the travel industry, took her on “girls only” trips. She continued exploring on her own in her late teens and has so far been to around 50 countries on 5 continents. 

She has lived and worked in the USA and Italy and has always had jobs which involved traveling or working from different locations . Six years ago Nika decided to become her own boss and focus primarily on the travel industry.

Since then, she’s worked as a freelance guide for a couple of international companies and created many custom made tours and retreats. 

There is nothing more powerful than travel – the knowledge and the skills you get after each trip become part of you so you continually upgrade and discover new layers of yourself.

About Hayley

Hayley has been leading tours around Australia, New Zealand and overseas for decades, but is most passionate about showing off her hometown of Sydney.

She has traveled to more than 80 countries and has incredible stories to tell, but still comes back to Sydney every time because it is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, and has amazing hidden secrets.

Hayley has a great sense of humour, and prefers that you land in Australia with a good sense of humour too – absolutely essential to get the most out of any travel experience.

She gets a real pleasure when visitors are thrilled by Australia, and enjoys working with people from diverse countries, cultures and back grounds.

When not guiding, she likes to go out kayaking and paddling, like a true Australian, and loves to be outdoors and in nature.

Hayley has a diploma in travel writing and photography from The Australian College of Journalism and has a photographic website.

About Maria

Maria is a tourism entrepreneur and experienced guide from Austria with family in Germany and Switzerland.

As a tourism expert with a focus on sustainable and authentic travel opportunities she traveled to about 100 countries, many of them as a solo traveler on fact finding missions and inspection trips.

Being a dedicated tour guide, she has been able to create powerful memories for clients from all over the world, connecting with the local people, culture and traditions.

Maria’s strength is to create connections and bring in the local spirit into the tour, which is a very special treat in the run-up to Christmas.

She looks very much forward to all the exciting smells and tastes of Christmas on this upcoming tour!

About Naomi

Naomi has always been interested in travel and culture since a young age. She grew up in Edinburgh, Scotland but was given a taste of the importance of art, language, food and the history of countries by her French mother.

Naomi studied Art History and languages (French and Spanish) at Glasgow University and used this knowledge to work as a guide in several locations in Europe.

After a stint in teaching, Naomi channeled her passion for her home country by taking visitors around beautiful Scotland both in English and French. She adores making history come alive in the evocative Scottish countryside and towns, and enjoys nature, sea swims and above all, a good feed and whisky after a day out visiting castles, museums or in the great outdoors.

Naomi loves to meet new people and hear stories as much as she enjoys telling them.

About Sara

Sara left Sweden for South Africa at the age of 23 with the intention of studying international relations, but returned home with a nagging dream to do travel photography for a living. Long story short, that dream came true.

Since then, she’s had the privilege to roam all over the globe chasing light and beauty with her camera and call it work, but it struck her that few places compare to her home in Arctic Scandinavia.

It took a global pandemic for her to slow down enough to fully see and rapidly fall in love with the untamed beauty and serenity still available in this remote corner of Europe, and today she is passionate about sharing it with others, while giving a glimpse of a different way of life, a little wilder, slower and simpler.

About Henni

Henni is originally from a small village in East Java but moved to Bali at the age of 8.

The single mom of 3 has been showing guests around the island since 2017, after a chance encounter with a tourist inspired her to swap her baking job with one in tourism, and she never looked back.

Henni is happiest when she hears guests say “wow” with a wide smile and wider eyes. She loves meeting people, showing them her favorite places, letting them taste the best local foods, and sharing the Balinese way of life.

She also enjoys listening about other countries and traveling through her guests’ eyes, especially solo female travelers who share their experiences with her. Through their stories, she can feel how big, diverse and beautiful our planet is.

Henni is most excited to take you to the non-touristy places, the ones without Instagram spots and queueing for pictures, the real Bali through Henni’s eyes.

About Tamara

Tamara is one of the most experiences local female guides in Georgia and has been guiding and designing tours through the country for more than 10 years.

She is a passionate feminist, lover of natural wines, and looking forward to sharing her culture with curious visitors, especially if they are women.

About Isis

Our trip to Egypt will be co-hosted by our Co-Founder, Mar Pages, and our local Egyptologist Isis.

With such a fitting name, Isis had to become an Egyptologist and tour guide.

She is passionate about meeting new people and sharing her love for Egypt and will be hosting us for the duration of this trip, highlight everything about Ancient Egypt and sharing her culture with us.